"Oh, what a beautiful weather we have here" thought Edfeil while laying in grass being greeted by the last rays of sunlight of that day. He had been working all day on the farm that was situated on the Table Mountain. In the distance he heard some of the farm animals. They were his only company here. In a radius of two hundred kilometers one could not find a human soul besides him.
It had been a long cold winter and he barely had been able to manage to keep all the animals alive. Luckily the spring had been more kind to him. It offered him a small period of calmness. He knew that in a week or so he would be busy planting all the seedlings for next season. As the last rays of sunlight disappeared behind the curvature of the earth, Edfeil decides to stand up and walk back to his farm.
His farm consisted out of four parts. In the west he had an area for his animals, it was comprised out of a barn and a field surrounded by fences. Next to the barn and the field, Edfeil had some land for his crops that could withstand the harsh condition on the Table Mountain. The other half of his land contained his home and a small green house for the delicate crops. All by all it was not a big estate but Edfeil would not want anything else. It was the farm his father and mother left him after their deaths.
As Edfeil approached his home, he noticed some dark clouds in the distance. "That can only mean trouble." he thought to himself and quickly went to the barn to assure that all the animals were safe and sound. Luckily no animals were missing. After also having inspected the greenhouse and confirming that everything was ready for bad weather, he went to his bed. As Edfeil had predicted the dark clouds along with rain he could hear the roaring of thunder in the distance as well.
At the same time as the rooster greeted the next morning, Edfeil was already busy with looking for damages. Luckily the home, barn and greenhouse were unharmed. Edfeil was just done with inspecting his crops when he heard the sound of water nearby. "That is strange" he said to himself and proceeded with "There is no river nearby what could that sound be?". Curious as he was he decided to check it out. At the end of the field he saw a pillar of water almost two people high spouting upwards like a fountain. It was a beautiful sight since the small water particles in combination with the sun created a plethora of rainbows. It was the most beautiful thing Efeil had seen. Still fascinated by the beauty he saw before himself he started to question how this was possible. The fountain had not been there before.
"Time for a swim" he thought before undressing till his underwear. He stepped into the cold water waited a few seconds and took a dive. Fully submerged he started to swim from where he thought the source of the water was coming from. It was not hard to find the source of the water. As he came closer he fell the force that propelled the water in the air. The closer he came the stronger the force was. It was deeper than he thought so he decided to go to the surface for a deep breath before he would make a deep dive to feel where the water was coming from. He swam deeper and deeper the force was becoming stronger and stronger. What seemed like an eternity he finnaly reached the source.
The muddy water prevented him from seeing what it was but he felt something made from metal. He tried to lift the metal thing. Once he had a good grip he could lift it without effort. he even managed to lift it to the surface. Back ashore he was surprised when he saw a bronze helmet. He had never seen a real helmet before. He only had seen them in the drawings of the fairy tales his mother used to tell. " How could this have come here?" he questioned himself. He also remarked that the helmet stopped spraying water.
"Could it be a magical helmet?" Edfeil wondered. "No that is ridiculous." he said to himself. Although still sceptical of this mysterious item he placed a small rock in the upside down helmet and as a miracle the helmet started to shoot out small rocks. Edfeil had to run to not get knockout by the small rocks. The helmet continued to shoot small rocks all around it and small piles of rocks already started to form. When he had found the right way to approach the helmet he ran once more and quickly turned the helmet upside down so that the opening would face the ground. As happened before the helmet stop duplicating the items and Edfeil sighted an emergency was no more.
After Edfeil had calmed down some more he got an idea. What if it works on food. He ran to his greenhouse were he cultivated strawberries and picked an astonishing red one. One could almost just taste the sweetness of the strawberry itself by looking at its red colour. He held the helmet upside down, walked outside and trew in the strawberry and as it had happened before the helmet started to duplicate the berries and that is how Edfeil solved world hunger.